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Welcome to rachelsays... The blog of Rachel Lewis, containing my thoughts and musings on illustration, design, fashion, music, cakey-bakey goodness, culture and things that I generally find cool. There's also a good chance my own illustration work will pop up on here.

All work on this blog is copyright to me unless I state that it isn't. Obviously. Don't do stealing, kids.

So come on in, have a look around, and leave a comment if you like what you see.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Recipe Look

I was told about this site aaages ago by Tom, the creator of Recipe Look, when he commented on an old post about my illustrated recipe book.

I then went 'that's a really great idea for a site!' in my head, and then... didn't do a lot about it. But my illustration yesterday about the muffins I made reminded me about it, and when I had a little look again, it's going really strong.

Here's what it's all about:

"Are you fed up with normal recipes and their pesky, text based formats? Do you want to see some life breathed in to your lunchbox inspiration, some spectacle in your spatchcock chicken? Recipe Look is here to save you supper time. It’s packed with interesting food ideas and they’re all drawn out by hand, so you can easilt see what you have to do. What’s more, you have the chance to make your own ‘recipe look’ and send it in to us. We’ll simply make it the right size and stick it on the site; you’ll be famous in minutes!"

Which I think is a great idea - I do love food illustration and illustrated recipes and it's really inspiring to see loads of recipes submitted from all over, as well as how people are drawing them - the idea is to use the least amount of words as possible so the recipe comes across purely in the drawing.

This is the most recent one from the site, sent in by orboc:

So that's the basic idea. I'm going to email the muffin recipe in so you might see it up there soon.

It would be nice to have coloured/arranged the recipe in Illustrator as doing something hand drawn never comes out exactly the way you wanted it to. But I am still Mac-less and have only MS Paint at my disposal. Yeah... not ideal.

Soon. Hopefully. Probably not :(

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cakey Bakey: Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

I do love a bit of baking. Mainly cupcakes or muffins - should probably branch out more often. But then , who doesn't love muffins? These are great autumn treats - just as the leaves are all falling, it's getting a bit cold and you're digging out your jumpers, mourning the death of summer.... all you need is a bit of cinnamon goodness to cheer you up.*

*apparently some people like autumn. Everything's dying and it's getting cold, I don't understand you. Must. Have. Sunshine.

I made these yesterday, and I must say, they're one of the best things I've made in a while. Eat them straight from the oven - the muffins are best warm and toasty! (Not straight from the oven.. you'll burn your hands.)

Here is the recipe, Rachel style:

Quite easy really, you only need one bowl and you basically shove all the ingredients in there. This recipe makes 6 but I doubled up 'cos.... well I wanted to.

Inside gooeyness. They're pretty moist so last for a while. Check out the apple pieces. Mmmm. Appley. The cinnamon/brown sugar topping is the winner really, goes all crystallized so you get a bit of crunch with the goo.

Let me know if you make these! :D

Also, while on the subject, I decided to start keeping all my recipes for cakey bakey goodness together in a hand written scrapbook. Hence why that recipe is written on nice paper; I've started going slowly through all the recipes that I usually use and writing them down, hopefully with most of them being illustrated. Some of them I'll probably just stick in from random scraps of paper I have lying around. Kind of for my benefit really but it'll be nice to have in the future.

There's this amazing chocolate roulade that my mum makes that I must steal.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Crispin Finn's 2010 Wall Planner

Here's something lovely. I first heard of Crispin Finn when Grafik Magazine gave away a copy of their 2009 wall planner, probably around the beginning of this year. It's stayed lovingly on my wall for most of the year (I've lived in 3 different rooms so far this year, so it's been up and down) and I have to admit, I haven't actually written on it. It's just too nicely designed and pure and organised that it doesn't deserve to have my random, very un-designed, scrawl all over it.

And I know the point of a planner is to like, plan things. Not just look pretty. But then, that's what I've got my awesome moleskine diary for, and that's certainly been written all over. A lot.

So this new one seems even better. What's that? Embossing? Mmmmm.
And the fonts in this one are still so retro/modern (if that exists), I wonder what they are. And the way it says 'twenty ten' in that lovely way... just pure genius.

I'm glad they've stuck with the red and blue too, I know it's their branding colours but the two are just so pleasing together. Very friendly. I don't look at my wall planner and go 'Omg, 3 days til deadline' or 'Omg, only 3 months til the end of this year' or anything frightening like that, I look at it feel a bit calm and lovely. Also, I'm glad that the 2010 version has the weekends highlighted because this year's didn't. Although, weekends didn't mean a lot to me when I was a student, I worked all the time and partied all the time.

It's hand screenprinted too which is impressive, '2 colour screenprint on 120gsm 100% recycled white colorset' apparently. Recycled! Oh wall planner, is there nothing you can't do?

AND it comes in this brown paper bag. Which is screenprinted. Pure design porn. *fans self in melodramatic way*

I discovered this through a post over on Creative Review and the images are all taken from Crispin Finn's site. I couldn't find any images of last year's (2009's) one on t'internet, so here's a shot of mine:

It didn't have January, the Grafik version. Maybe they sent it out in January. Anyone know if the real version had january? Also, it's early evening so there's shadows being cast on it, strangely annoying. See what I mean about it staying virginal? Silly me. And the lack of not knowing if it's a weekend or not. Yes yes, I do believe next year's design is better than this year's. Ah.

I really hope Grafik give the new one away again for next year. Otherwise, it's going on my christmas list. (Although for £10 you can't actually go wrong, maybe I'll just buy it now.)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sketchbook Magazine

"Sketchbook is a new quarterly magazine that showcases established and emerging creative talents in fashion, design and culture with a focus on features, photography and illustration.

Featuring original sketchbook graphics, exclusive interviews with scientists in jelly and photographers in Africa, we present our finds in a raw and exposed fashion. In Sketchbook, itís not just about the product itself, but also about the beauty of the process of conceptualization, creation and appreciating the means to an end.

Sketchbook aims to provide an entrance into the minds of switched-on, aware and intelligent creatives and inspire those who wish to be part of such an innovative industry."

I came across this magazine a couple of weeks ago, through Style Bubble. The first issue has a feature on her, all about fashion bloggers, and that's a drawing of her on the cover. It seems like a really great new indie publication - I like the emphasis on original sketchbook drawings, illustration and photography.

I love the cover as well, detailed pencil drawings like that just always look so good. I can't find who did it, great work though.

I was talking about fashion blogging and illustration coming together the other day so this carries on from that - it's interesting to me that fashion is really starting to embrace illustration again. Without going into too much history, illustration originally played a key part in fashion; until photography came along, the fashion shoot was invented and fashion illustration dropped into the 'decoration' category, or was kept under lock and key in designer's concept sketches. It's only really David Downton who has kept the genre alive and as a contender to photography. So its good to see culture magazines like this coming along who don't feel that fashion can only be captured by photography.

Have a look at the Sketchbook Magazine site - it's still fairly new - there's images taken from the first issue and not much else yet really. There's all the contacts though and they're looking for contributors. So this is something I must do, definitely.

I don't think the first issue is out yet - at least I'm not sure where you can buy it from yet. I'll post when I know.

So I need to get back on top of doing outfit illustrations as well. Now that I'm home I can use my parent's scanner (joys) so expect sketches and such to be occuring again. Huzzah :)

Also, on the subject of clothes, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of unpacking I have to do - how is it possible that I own this many?? I have 2 chests of drawers, a wardrobe, all pretty much full, and I STILL have 2 massive suitcases of clothes that I haven't unpacked yet. And let's not even start on shoes. I think here lyeth 75% of my student loan over the 3 years, you know. Clothes, clothes, clothes. I even gave 2 massive bin bags to charity and I still have so many. But I can't part with most of them, it's always that 'oh but I might wear this one day...'

Such a hoarder, me.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shock horror, my 100th post!

Yay! What a momentous occasion. Although, considering I started this blog on the 16th May 2007 (that's over 2 years ago, completely missed that milestone), 100 posts is pretty terrible going, really. Which would account for my lack of followers and 100s of comments.

However, I am taking this post as a starting point for this blog being bigger and better than it is now. My lack of posting recently is down to a few things - 1) working long hours at my recent placement and never wanting to get in front of another screen at 9pm after looking at one all day and 2) said screen is in fact attached to my ridiculously slow, full up, sad, sorry, vista-based windows laptop that I hate with a passion (don'tdiepleaselaptopIloveyoureally). It takes 15 minutes to start up for god's sake, what a joke. And Firefox has randomly decided to just not open, at all now. So I'm using IE. Which I hate.

Excuses, excuses.

So, I finished my placement at Open yesterday. Which was really sad - didn't want to leave, I really enjoy it there, the work was always varied, it was tough and hard work but at the same time fun and a great environment to work in. (Yesterday I was drawing on the walls, that's not something you do every day.) So hopefully one day I'll get the chance to work with them again, we'll see.

This now means that I am unemployed once again. This has good and bad points, thus:


  • I have more spare time on my hands to start illustration projects, and draw more, and generally create stuff.
  • Which means I'll have time to publish said stuff on my website/blog/twitter, and also promote my work more to people I want to work with, and get involved in various projects.
  • I can focus on redesigning this blog (which is in desperate need), my website and also my twitter page which is tres dull.
  • I don't have to get up at 5,45am for a while (although I didn't actually mind that).
  • I can go out on tuesday nights! Oh em gee.
  • In fact, I can go out any night, any time, anywhere, I can even bugger off to Paris if I so choose. Because for some random reason, I really want to do that. Like, right now. Paris. Now. Let's go.


  • Being jobless kinda sucks, I do actually need a reason to get out of bed.
  • I have 0 money coming in and with an overdraft as big as mine, and a student loan, and no savings, and no car, I feel pretty worried about that.
  • I can't afford to rent anywhere so I'm having to move back to my parent's house in Bedfordshire. This is fine, our house is lovely, except I have very few friends down there. No social life makes Rachel sad in the face.
  • No money means no new clothes. No new anything.

And so, I need a plan of action.

  1. This starts first of all with buying a Mac. Because with no working computer (yes I'm talking to you, useless laptop) and no photoshop/illustrator, I can't exactly DO anything. I can't even scan a drawing in right now. So like, my illustration career won't exactly get very far if I can't actually illustrate. I think I have just about enough money to cover this, but then I will be well and truly broke.
  2. Does anyone know if I can buy a Mac on 0% interest? That would be great right about now.
  3. Once I'm back home and unpacked, I can start applying for jobs in and around Birmingham. Which isn't so simple if you're in Bedfordshire. Also, I'll start looking at London properly, as I live only 30 miles away and it's easy to get to.
  4. Although, I have plans to move in with my friend up here in the Midlands. If I get a job in London, that's not so good. But needs must. And she doesn't have a job yet either.
  5. Simultaneously as all of this, I need to be constantly drawing and illustrating and designing cool stuff to put out there.
  6. I then need to make a big list of all the magazines/companies/studios/art directors I want to send my lovely postcards to, and send them out. And expect not to hear anything back, such is the way of the world.
  7. I then need to think of cooler self promotional ideas and do that instead.
  8. Get some kind of job so I'm not in a pit of despair and I can come back to the Midlands. Ideally this would be in the field of what I want to do, i.e at a design studio or agency, designing, illustrating, thinking conceptually, generating brilliant ideas, you know being awesome. But I also would be fine working in Retail. Honestly. (fashion, only, mind. Paperchase at a push) because I also quite like the idea of Visual Merchandising. I need to look at this further though. I had an interview at Urban Outfitters the other day and I would actually love to work there. I'm not holding out much hope though, apparently they were interviewing 60 people. Omg. I love recessions!
  9. Buy Lotus Elise.
  10. Hopefully get a few editorial illustration commissions, this is my big major short term goal.
  11. Chill out a bit, I haven't had a holiday in over a year so maybe I should just.... relax. If there is such a thing in this current situation.

As you can gather, that's not the greatest formulated plan. I'm at this point where I could go so many ways. Do I just want to try going freelance illustrating, with a standard side job to get me through? Do I want to work as a designer/illustrator in a studio?Do I want to get more into marketing and branding and explore that side of me? Do I want to be a Visual Merchandiser? Should I just get married and be a housewife? (ew. shudders.) Do I want to stay in the Midlands, or go to the bright lights of London, which is nearer home and where I want to be eventually anyway?Should I just run off to New York and start a new life there because I secretly yearn to do that?

Should I just get over this cold first, and figure out how the hell I'm going to get this suitcase on the train?

Answers on a postcard please.

For now, I'm fully intending to blog way more frequently, about way more interesting things other than myself, and a full redesign will appear as soon as I own a shiny iMac. Donations welcome.

Lots of love to my current followers and commenters, you make me happy when I know I'm not talking into the ether.

Monday, September 07, 2009

What I wore today - 4th Sept 09 (Graduation!)

I know it's not 4th sept but Ive had a crazy busy weekend with graduation/family related things so only just had time to post this.

I mentioned before about the 'What I wore today' Flickr group, so I've got my act together,joined Flickr and joined the group. Hurrah.

Really quick sketch I know, but then again, that's what this is for I suppose. Those shoes are amazing, from River Island, here they are:

Totally destroyed my feet though. But I didn't fall over! Good times.

My parents have got all the photos of me so as soon as they send me them I'll do a big Graduation post.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

What I wore today - outfit illustrations!

I follow quite a few fashion blogs (diamondcanopy and stylebubble are good) and the norm is to post photos of the awesome outfit you are rocking that day. It's a cool concept and something that I would probably do if I had the time, and also if I had the money to be shopping all the time. I had a massive splurge at the weekend and I'm poor again. When I'm getting paid lots I'll start buying all the things I covet.

I digress.

Gemma Correll who is a great illustrator has started the What I Wore Today group on Flickr and it's a brilliant idea - instead of taking photos of ourselves in our swanky get-ups for the day, us illustrators should draw what we wore instead. Simple, brilliant. Gets us to draw more as well.

I don't have a flickr account but I'm going to get one now so I can join this group. And I'm going to draw today's outfit tonight, even if I get home at 9, I'm going to do it. Because I haven't illustrated in weeks outside of my placement and that's baaad. And today's outfit is good as well.

Gemma's outfit.

If I organise myself I can start doing this on the train back from work every day. Nice.

Now that's my TYPE of cake....

See what I did there?

I came across this amazing cake over at design*sponge (awesome blog, I recommend it strongly, lots of handmade project tips/interior design/general coolness) and have to post about it.

I have a bit of a love for typewriters - I haven't blogged about it yet but I bought an old typewriter from a charity shop and have started using it for collages etc. And most people know I have a massive love for cake, any kind of cake, yum yum.

Isn't that amazing? It was made for a 4 year anniversary party for The Regional Assembly of Text and it looks soo tasty. See the original post from design*sponge here.

Unfortunately, I've been on a diet for a few weeks because I want to look good for my graduation, so I've not been having any cakes. Or chocolate. Or much bread, either. Humph.

My graduation is tomorrow though (YAY) and I've lost 4lbs. Which is alright. I want to keep going though and lose some more. We'll see.

Anyway so my graduation is tomorrow and I'm really excited but also a bit nervous. I have a brilliant outfit though so I'll post that over the weekend :)