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Welcome to rachelsays... The blog of Rachel Lewis, containing my thoughts and musings on illustration, design, fashion, music, cakey-bakey goodness, culture and things that I generally find cool. There's also a good chance my own illustration work will pop up on here.

All work on this blog is copyright to me unless I state that it isn't. Obviously. Don't do stealing, kids.

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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Exciting Happenings: New Job!

Very exciting news! I have a new job! :D And not a job working minimum wage in retail, exhausting myself on a daily basis with the constant 'I am better than this' running through my head, oh no. An actual real graduate job that I need my degree for! I'm so happy it's untrue, I've been despairing recently over my work/general life situation and now it's seems things are really looking up! It's a full time Junior graphic design position in London, which I'm so happy about because it's been my ambition to start my career in London. (It's the place to be, really, isn't it.)

is the company I am designing for, they are a small range of clothing companies such as Yumi and Uttam London. You've probably seen Yumi in House of Fraser.

Yumi clothing.

So my role is designing things like brochures and POS, and also helping out on pattern designs and illustrations on the clothes. Really exciting, and exactly the kind of thing I love doing. I start on monday!

So what does this mean for my personal and freelance illustration? Well, this is a full time job so I may not be able to undertake as many personal projects. However I am still (as always) available for commission for editorial and other work too. I will only ever take on what I know I can manage.

I will still of course continue blogging :) Maybe i'll invest in a netbook to make use of my commuting time. The joys of trains and tube at rush hour will now be mine! Ha.

So hopefully this is the beginning of a really great career for me. Sooo happy. There's hope for us recession graduates yet!

1 comment:

P Tinkler said...

Congratulations Rachel! Great stuff, no one will be more dedicated. Good luck. : )