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Welcome to rachelsays... The blog of Rachel Lewis, containing my thoughts and musings on illustration, design, fashion, music, cakey-bakey goodness, culture and things that I generally find cool. There's also a good chance my own illustration work will pop up on here.

All work on this blog is copyright to me unless I state that it isn't. Obviously. Don't do stealing, kids.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Free stuff: Diet Coke & Nails Inc

I love free stuff. Especially when I have no money, such is now. You might say 'Yeah but you've got a swanky new job in London, you must have money' I say, oh no friend, not when nasty bank people decide to decrease your graduate overdraft! I have been given warning, I knew it would happen, but 'a year after graduating' seemed like so far away... now I know it's not. So very soon, a large proportion of my interest free overdraft is being ripped from under me like a proverbial carpet, and I haven't earned anywhere near enough what is needed to pay it back yet. Especially as I'm also trying to save money to move out of my parents house as the commute into London is literally destroying me. You know what? Students don't deserve student discount... I think graduates are more in need. I've never been so poor in my life! Graduate discount please.

So, I've basically imposed a minimum 3 month ban on shopping/spending. I've allowed myself the odd coffee (or in this case, diet coke) and the odd alcoholic beverage, but that's it. No clothes, no books, no CDs, no cinema (yeah, like that's going to happen, with Iron Man 2, Sex and the City 2 and Eclipse all here to tempt me) and basically, no fun. Boo.

So free stuff is what it's all about. I've been raping my boots points (I had so many.... waa) and grabbing every free newspaper and magazine in the street (Metro, ES and Stylist are now my staples), so I was tres happy when I saw this in the meal deal section:

I had a blood test* on thursday so was in Boots in dire need of sugary substance. I saw that they're giving away Nails Inc nail varnish when you buy 2 bottles of diet coke! So bargainous. Considering my medical need for diet coke, I figured this was very worth it. I realise that there's no sugar in diet coke but... it still seemed to work so sssh. I picked up the first one in from the left, as I'm all about pale shades these days and this is a great purple/grey colour, really interesting:
It matches perfectly with some tights I've got too, was very happy.

In fact, it's very much like that Chanel 'Greige' that everyone's been going crazy over - yes, that's grey and beige, folks! Here's the Chanel one:

So, I've now got a designer-ish nail colour for free. Ace.

I'd never bought Nails Inc before but I'd heard they were good: I've been wearing this since thursday, (it's now sunday) and it's held up really well, only chippage on two fingers:
And that's my fault from where I'd picked it. Ha, look at my weird bent fingers, I'm sure this angle exacerbates it, i'm not that strange. Nice colour though huh? I love it. Apparently it's worth £10.50, which I don't think I'd ever pay for a nail varnish, but if they last this well... And I'm sure these are going to fly off the shelves, there's great deep reds and purples too.

So now I have my latest beauty/consumption fix, for NUFFIN'. Hurrah! I'm sure I'll be posting/whining in future about my financial situation, so any other free stuff that I can "review/keep" would be amazing. You know, for research purposes. Of course. /shameless

*Pretty sure it's nothing to worry about. I'm not dying, just getting many many stomach pains. I am a complete nightmare with getting blood out of me; I have very deep veins (she had to stab me 3 times!) and I go totally weak, sick and dizzy as soon as any is taken out of me. I have no problem with the sight of blood at all, it's just this horrible aversion my body seems to have with letting any of it go. God help me if I ever meet a vampire, I wouldn't survive a sip!

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