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Welcome to rachelsays... The blog of Rachel Lewis, containing my thoughts and musings on illustration, design, fashion, music, cakey-bakey goodness, culture and things that I generally find cool. There's also a good chance my own illustration work will pop up on here.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Final Design for the allmightys contest, and a handmade card...

Next week is my friend's birthday so I decided to make her a card. I usually make most of my cards but this one is quite cool I think, and semi inspired by a post on Elly's (aka Needleblossom)'s blog. Mainly cos I stole her idea of using dulux paint chart thingys. They are so sexay. Right:
I haven't sent it to her yet so I hope she doesn't read this. Actually I don't think she even knows about my blog. She lives in Aberystwyth now which = no real world connections :P

It's all about decadence and my love of the victorian wallpaper resurgence thing. I suppose I should have made it about what she likes but screw it. She'll get what she's given :P (if she ever sends me her new address, grr)

Then a few days after that it's my auntie's 50th, and she actually is into that whole thing, well basically she's just ace at interior design, so i'll make it all about her house or something. Yeah.

I also posted this on DrawAnyway as today's task is all about decorating cards! How spooky.

Also I just wanted to update everyone about my t-shirt design:

This is the final version. Voting starts next tuesday, (17th), so everyone needs to vote for me :D
That's what you'll see in the voting gallery. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Eleanor Snare said...

Good stuff, like the card man! Classy ^_^