Coveting: Russian Doll Measuring Cups!
I have just discovered these Russian Doll Measuring Cups via Swissmiss, and I want them so much! They're so cute and are actually useful - as you know I love baking so these would be perfect.You can buy them here, they're $16 - and I'm guessing shipping from America would be quite a lot too. However I found some from a UK site for £10.91, which isn't bad at all, plus p+p. It says out of stock at the moment though.
I also found these gorgeous ceramic Russian Doll Measuring Cups from this blog post, which is where this image is from:They are from Anthropologie, which for people who don't know, is an amazing american home/clothing/vintage type store full of beautiful, expensive things. There's a store in the Rockefeller Building which I spent a very long time in the last time I went to NY. I love it so much. Now, I've wanted it to come to the UK for a long time and I found out a few weeks ago that they are opening a store in Regents Street! Very very excited, click here to have a look at the UK site. Eeeee!
In the meantime, I have a friend who does ceramics, maybe she'll make me a set of these :D
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